Before & After Care
Before School Cougar Care
Students can arrive starting at 6:30am. Morning activities can include art, board games, and block building, and even gym/outside time depending on the weather. Breakfast is NOT included in morning care. Breakfast can be purchased through the school at an additional cost.
After School Cougar Care
Students go directly to Cougar Care when they are released for the school day. Once in Cougar Care, attendance is taken and students are given a snack. Provided snacks are within the district’s wellness guidelines. Activities in after care may include (but are not limited to) homework time, board games, sports, art projects, constructive or dramatic play, and outdoor playtime. Students have many resources available to them. It is not necessary for toys to be brought from home.
For updates, photos, and other information about Cougar Care, like us on Facebook! (Links to each school’s program site listed below.)
Be sure to like us on Facebook!
Mesnier Cougar Care
Gotsch Cougar Care